i havent coded in ages but ... heres an oc page! because i didnt want to write a Whole Thing in the af page for her :-3
i havent coded in ages but ... heres an oc page! because i didnt want to write a Whole Thing in the af page for her :-3
likes :-D
• sunny days
• wrestling
• being a mentor
• lounging
• being a big ol guy
dislikes >:-(
• large bodies of water
• trees
• all of thunderclan
• windstorms
• living family
family :-|
• Applecreek (parent, alive)
• Sandscratch (father, deceased)
• Barkpaw (brother, deceased)
• Maplebite (sister, alive)
Cedarflight was born in Thunderclan to Applecreek and Sandscratch in a litter of three, her siblings being Barkpaw and Maplebite. She was born with congenital cataracts that rapidly progressed throughout her kithood until her entire vision was completely blurred.
She was supposed to begin a medicine cat apprenticeship at six moons, but resisted, insisting she could become a warrior. At eight moons, she finally grew so desperate to escape the nursery that she began to work with Mousenose, the current medicine cat. She only lasted about three months before begging her brother, Barkpaw, to escort her to the Windclan border so she might try to make a life there.
They left in the night, only a few days before Barkpaw would gain his warrior’s name. In crossing the Silver River, Cedarflight accidentally pushed in her brother while he guided her over the slippery rocks that jutted from the water. As he was pulled down the river he told her to keep going.
Upon being found by a Windclan patrol, Cedarflight was taken to their camp. She refused aid from the medicine cat, instead spending the night in the Elder’s den, where she met Dogback, an old tom who had completely lost his vision in a battle and continued to be a warrior for many moons before retiring. He agreed to come out of retirement only after a few days of begging.
After thirteen moons of training, Cedarflight was given her warrior’s name.
Now, many moons later, she has grown into a mature cat generally well liked. She knows her territory and how to defend it, even if she mostly sticks to hunting. Shes a coveted mentor, especially for apprentices with disabilities, but most of her past apprentices remember their time fondly.